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The Lunar Nodes in Aries-Libra

The Lunar Nodes are the axis of fate.

Like portals of energy, they open the door to new chapters and new experiences. They swiftly usher people in and out of our lives. They can herald the start of relationships, the birth of children, the start of careers, and other life milestones. But they can also reset the stage, pull us into old histories for another look, and mark powerful pivot points.

More importantly, they make eclipses happen. And, over an arc of 18-months, until January 2025, the North Node is in Aries and the South Nodes is in Libra, which means the eclipses are in the signs of Aries and Libra.

The North Node is like “true north”, a spiritual and collective north point that humanity is working towards. And with the North Node in Aries, we’re reaching for our individuality, learning to stand on our own two feet, finding leadership, and reconnecting to our desires.

The South Node, however, is like a well of memory and unconsciousness, something that reveals the tangles of the past. Wherever the South Node is, we have work to do. With the South Node in Libra, we have to reexamine how we connect and interact with others. We need to look at old relationship patterns. We need to see where we compromise or even betray our own desires for the desires of others.

In This Webinar We’ll Cover:

  • What the Lunar Nodes are
  • Their role in eclipses, fate, and change
  • The Aries-Libra archetypes
  • Individuality vs Relationship
  • Our karma with Libra and Venus
  • Our dharma with Aries and Mars
    Previous cycles of the Nodes in Aries-Libra (2014-2015; 2004-2005)
  • Sign-by-sign guide


2 hours and 19 minutes